The Intelligent Transportation Society of America released a bold vision for US transportation and infrastructure in A Blueprint for Transportation Technology ...
Despite the increased regulatory attention, the number, scale, and severity of automotive cyber attacks continues to grow, showing a false sense of security and resilience, according to the 2025 Automotive & Smart Mobility Cybersecurity Report from Upstream Security ...
A substantial gap exists between what shippers expect in terms of technological capabilities and what their logistics service providers (LSPs) currently offer, according to research from Magaya and Adelante SCM ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more than just a “buzzword” – it is being integrated into many of the tools used by the supply chain and logistics industry today. AI has become such a hot topic and is considered vital to the future of the industry's technologies because it delivers a range of valuable benefits ... With that in mind, this article explores a sampling of AI use cases in supply chain and logistics ...
Gartner highlighted several trends set to shape the automotive sector in 2025, as the industry faces regulatory pressure on emissions and intense growth from China ...
The USDOT released data collected for the Intersection Safety Challenge Stage 1B: System Assessment and Virtual Testing on the US DOT ITS DataHub for further research and development to transform intersection safety ...
NHTSA announced $171 million in grants to 19 states and territories to upgrade and standardize their crash data systems ...
USDOT announced over $130 million in grant awards for 42 technology demonstration projects through the Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants Program ...
Over the next decade, 80% of new cars will have a powertrain that will be electrified to some extent, according to the Automotive 2035 study from the IBM Institute for Business Value ...
The USDOT has released a funding fact sheet providing information on potential federal sources of funding for V2X system planning, implementation, and operations ...