ITS America Releases Blueprint for Transportation Technology
February 19, 2025

The Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) released a bold vision for US transportation and infrastructure in A Blueprint for Transportation Technology.

The Blueprint serves as a foundational guide for the use of technology across the country that will improve the safety, efficiency, and resiliency of our transportation and infrastructure.

Building, operating, and maintaining high quality modern infrastructure requires significant investment in the best tools available today — especially technology — which also increases efficiency and lowers costs. This Blueprint calls on the Federal government to prioritize and invest in a digital infrastructure that will make our roads safer, make travel more efficient, strengthen the resiliency of our system, bolster Federal, state, and local agencies' return on investment, maximize our physical infrastructure assets, and maintain the United States of America's global competitiveness and leadership.

As the nation's leading advocate for the technological modernization of our transportation system, ITS America calls on policymakers and industry leaders to reimagine our understanding of transportation infrastructure to one which reflects the realities of the day and leverages new and emerging solutions.

The document is designed to provide a blueprint for how intelligent transportation systems (ITS) adoption can be successfully implemented, with a focus on how Federal policy can move our shared transportation goals forward.

The Blueprint covers seven key technology areas, core to the next generation of transportation:

■ Digital Infrastructure

■ Artificial Intelligence

■ Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) and Connected Infrastructure

■ Automated Vehicles

■ Emerging Technologies

■ Resiliency

■ Workforce and Job Creation
