
April 21, 2022

Frost & Sullivan's recent analysis of the global autonomous vehicles (AVs) regulatory landscape finds that increasing automated safety requirements necessitate a robust regulatory framework for AVs ...

March 22, 2022

The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is launching a new yearlong $1.25 million digital paid media campaign to help drivers learn about the safety benefits of advanced driver-assistance technologies in newer vehicles ...

February 22, 2022

Six million electric cars (battery electric and plug-in hybrid) will be shipped in 2022, up from 4 million in 2021, according to a new forecast by Gartner.

February 17, 2022

Gartner identified the top five technology trends for 2022 that CIOs need to consider to better prepare for the software, hardware and digital transformations occurring in the automotive sector ...

February 10, 2022

The US Departments of Transportation and Energy announced nearly $5 billion that will be made available under the new National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program established by President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to build out a national electric vehicle charging network, an important step towards making electric vehicle (EV) charging accessible to all Americans ...

January 25, 2022

A four-part video series features interviews with experts from government, industry, and academia about the safety benefits and the maturity level of V2X technology, the reasons for its scarce deployment, and the impact of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) recent actions to limit the spectrum available for transportation safety.

December 15, 2021

While the automotive industry continues to move toward fully automated, self-driving vehicles, the pace is not being matched by educational efforts that will help bring buyers into the modern mobility movement. According to the redesigned J.D. Power 2021 Mobility Confidence Index (MCI) Study, consumers possess inaccurate knowledge of fully automated self-driving vehicles ...

December 07, 2021

Radar is fundamental to automotive safety and critical to achieving emerging level 4 autonomy. While today more than 50% of new cars are shipped with one or more radars, by 2042 all new vehicles will come with multiple radars as they become a key enabler for future mobility modes, according to IDTechEx's latest report, Automotive Radar 2022-2042 ...

November 17, 2021

Not only is safety important to 98% of consumers in their vehicle purchase choice, but 86% also said their likelihood to purchase a vehicle would increase if it had a safety-focused computer vision system, according to a new research study commissioned by Xperi and conducted by ENGINE Insights ...

October 19, 2021

Almost half of all consumers believe fully functional self-driving cars are more than three years away, and nearly 20% would be willing to pay an additional $10,000 to get their hands on this technology, according to a survey of US, UK, and German consumers conducted by Klas ...
