
August 19, 2024

The US Department of Transportation (USDOT) announced a V2X deployment plan, Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment ...

August 01, 2024

A group of businesses, nonprofits, and advocates from the autonomous vehicle ecosystem today launched the US AV Jobs Coalition, which will provide research-backed information on the economic impacts of autonomous vehicles ...

July 10, 2024

Logistics technology is an expanding market that is driving digital transformation and enabling optimization across the entire supply chain. A 2024 report from MHI and Deloitte found that 55% of supply chain leaders surveyed are increasing tech investments, with 88% planning to spend over $1 million, and 44% spending over $10 million ...

June 25, 2024

Almost half (40%) of the shippers and logistics services providers (LSP) surveyed are planning to invest in transportation technology to prepare for industry and regulatory changes, according to the Global Transportation Management Benchmark Survey from Descartes Systems Group ...

June 20, 2024

The FHWA is awarding nearly $60 million in grants under the Saving Lives with Connectivity: Accelerating V2X Deployment program to advance connected and interoperable vehicle technologies ...

June 04, 2024

Autonomous trucking has the potential for significant environmental benefits, according to a white paper released by Aurora Innovation ...

May 23, 2024

The US Department of Transportation (USDOT) Advanced Research Projects Agency - Infrastructure (ARPA-I) is seeking input on the potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) across all modes of transportation, as well as emerging challenges and opportunities in creating and deploying AI technologies.

May 14, 2024

The US Department of Transportation (USDOT) is accepting applications for the third year of its Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants Program ...

May 07, 2024

More than half (55%) of supply chain leaders are increasing their supply chain technology and innovation investments with 88% planning to spend over $1 million, and 42% planning to spend over $10 million, according to The Collaborative Supply Chain: Tech-forward and Human-Centric, a new report from MHI and Deloitte ...

April 26, 2024

Brian Cronin, Director of the ITS JPO, and Veronica Vanterpool, Acting Administrator of the FTA, discuss the multimodal transportation infrastructure of the future, live at the ITS America Conference in Phoenix AZ ...
