The ITS Blog
FASTR released new insights into the automotive security landscape as recommendations for research and innovation. This landscape describes the opportunities for FASTR members and the broader industry to advance the field of automotive security ...
The 2016 Fatal Traffic Crash Data released last week by NHTSA tragically revealed that 37,461 people were killed in crashes on U.S. roadways in 2016 — that's nearly 2,200 more fatalities than in 2015, a 5.6 percent increase ...
The following are my thoughts about how Hurricane Irma has impacted the Tampa Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot ...
The House of Representatives unanimously passed H.R. 3388, Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research in Vehicle Evolution Act or the SELF DRIVE Act ...
As the automotive industry faces narrowing margins, the need to look to other revenue streams and keep the customer committed to the brand for their next purchase is paramount, according to Frost & Sullivan ...
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that a truck driver's failure to yield the right of way and a car driver's inattention due to overreliance on vehicle automation are the probable cause of the fatal crash involving an autonomous vehicle ...
I had the privilege of co-facilitating a roundtable discussion that addressed strategies to increase implementation of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) — or collision avoidance systems — in the trucking industry ...
With traffic fatalities on the rise, guidance on how to collect high-quality crash data becomes ever more important. Developed cooperatively by the GHSA and NHTSA, the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC) 5th Edition guideline has been updated to reflect the latest behavioral and technological changes impacting vehicles, drivers, and front-line data collectors ...
In July, the US National Transportation Safety Board released a synopsis of a new safety study entitled: Reducing Speeding-Related Crashes Involving Passenger Vehicles. The document states: Speeding – exceeding a speed limit or driving too fast for conditions – is one of the most common factors in motor vehicle crashes in the United States ...
The Energy and Commerce Committee approved bill H.R. 3388, Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research in Vehicle Evolution Act or the "Self Drive Act."
Passing with unanimous bipartisan support at 54-0, this legislation will prioritize consumer safety, reduce traffic-related fatalities, and clarify federal and state roles around emerging automated vehicle technologies.
According to the Energy and Commerce Committee, the Self Drive Act will:
■ Advances safety by prioritizing the protection of consumers