The ITS Blog

March 13, 2018
Pete Goldin

From an ITS perspective, it is nice to see Intelligent Transportation Systems mentioned by name in the Senate Democrats Jobs & Infrastructure Plan for America's Workers ...

March 08, 2018
Randell Iwasaki
Contra Costa Transportation Authority

Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) and GoMentum Station announced that testing of autonomous vehicles on public roads will begin at Bishop Ranch. This is the first time the California DMV has allowed a shared autonomous vehicle to travel on public roads in the state. This is a historic moment ...

March 06, 2018
Pete Goldin

According to AASHTO, U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao said the USDOT will award the 2017 round of TIGER infrastructure grants very soon ...

March 05, 2018
Shailen Bhatt
ITS America

ITS America offers its recommendations for the upcoming bill: A Framework for Rebuilding Infrastructure in America ...

March 02, 2018
Greg Brannon

Almost daily, consumers are faced with a steady stream of timelines, predictions and updates on when self-driving cars are expected to hit the road. Yet, the majority still struggle with the idea of handing over control to or even driving alongside these vehicles ...

February 28, 2018
Kara Macek
Governors Highway Safety Association

The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) projects nearly 6,000 pedestrians were killed in motor vehicle crashes in the US in 2017, marking the second year in a row at numbers not seen in 25 years ...

February 20, 2018
Pete Goldin

As the world continues to move deliberately toward a transportation system driven by autonomous vehicles, let's take a look at some of the advantages driverless cars can bring to society ...

February 13, 2018
Lindsay Shelton-Gross
ITS America

In conjunction with the release of President Trump's Legislative Outline for Rebuilding Infrastructure in America, the Intelligent Transportation Society of America announced the formation of its Smart Infrastructure Task Force ...

February 08, 2018
Pete Goldin

Increasing traffic congestion across mega cities and large urban centers, coupled with the resulting loss to the economy, is driving the need for more efficient modes of urban transportation. Flying cars are being explored as an alternative form of future mobility, making use of the underutilized domestic airspace, according to Frost & Sullivan ...

February 02, 2018
Pete Goldin

Fifteen of the world’s leading transport and technology companies signed the Shared Mobility Principles for Livable Cities, pledging to prioritize people over vehicles, lower emissions, promote equity and encourage data sharing, among other goals that relate directly to and even depend on ITS ...
