The ITS Blog
The Bipartisan Policy Center's Executive Council on Infrastructure announced the Coalition to Modernize American Infrastructure, which will set a foundation for the 2017 infrastructure debate ...
Part of the funding problem may be that ITS is still viewed by many decision makers as conceptual rather than real world. ITS is often categorized as research and development for the future, rather than as a very effective real world solution that delivers ROI today ...
The emergence of autonomous vehicles and many other electronic components render the current 12-volts (v) battery nearly unusable ...
FASTR (Future of Automotive Security Technology Research) released a manifesto, Toward Tomorrow’s "Organically Secure" Vehicle, declaring the organization's intentions. FASTR seeks to enable innovation in automotive security by marshaling industry-wide collaboration on the actionable applied and theoretical R&D needed now to drive systematic coordination of cybersecurity across the entire supply chain and ensure trust in the connected and autonomous vehicle of the future ...
“Funding is a fundamental issue. We have to make trade-offs. Do I make this investment in ITS, or do I make sure three more bridges stand up? That is the biggest obstacle I see to ITS.”
US Senate Democrats unveiled a $1 trillion infrastructure plan on January 24. If ITS in the US needs anything, it is a solid injection of funds ...
Europe has joined together to launch AUTOPILOT, a project to enable safer highly automated driving thanks to smart and connected objects and Internet of Things ...
Paris launched its first driverless electric shuttle bus service on January 23, with the goal of curbing the congestion and pollution that many Parisians blame for a range of health concerns ...
Intensifying competition, dynamic consumer requirements, and volatile markets are compelling auto OEMs to differentiate themselves through novel features in the areas of safety and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), according to Frost & Sullivan. The market is gradually changing to focus on comfort, convenience, handling, sustainability, smart mobility, as well as vehicle versatility and utility ...
Forrester recently analyzed the demand for connected cars and the features that consumers are interested in having in their next vehicles, estimating that one-third of US drivers want connected car features — but today’s offerings are not meeting their expectations ...