The ITS Blog
The Energy and Commerce Committee approved bill H.R. 3388, Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research in Vehicle Evolution Act or the "Self Drive Act."
Passing with unanimous bipartisan support at 54-0, this legislation will prioritize consumer safety, reduce traffic-related fatalities, and clarify federal and state roles around emerging automated vehicle technologies.
According to the Energy and Commerce Committee, the Self Drive Act will:
■ Advances safety by prioritizing the protection of consumers
The global automotive connected car platform market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.94% during the period 2017-2021, according to the Global Automotive Connected Car Platform Market 2017-2021 report from Research and Markets ...
Automotive OEMs, start-ups, aerospace companies and other players are expected to make significant investments in the flying cars market and showcase their prototypes in the next 10 years, according to Frost & Sullivan ...
The Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITSA) and the Cyber Future Foundation (CFF) announced a partnership to form the Intelligent Transportation Cybersecurity Task Force (ITCTF) ...
Memorial Day is around the corner and millions of American families will get into their cars for a mini vacation marking the start of summer road trip season. Unfortunately, the risk of a highway crash causing serious injury or death is still a reality. According to the National Safety Council an estimated 409 people may be killed during the Memorial Day weekend. Even one person is too many ...
USDOT and NHTSA released its first Federal Automated Vehicles Policy Guide in May 2016. However, the federal resource still left a number of questions unanswered for cities, which will be the initial launch points and proving grounds for connected and autonomous vehicle technology. To help answer some of these questions, the National League of Cities subsequently released an AV Policy Preparation Guide, which aims to explore the concerns, issues, and opportunities this transformative technology represents for cities ...
Analysts may disagree on the timeline, but they are united in the opinion that some form of self-driving car will eventually traverse America's roadways. And while most drivers have yet to experience a fully autonomous vehicle, they are already forming strong opinions that could impact the future of this emerging technology ...
Sometime within the next decade, driverless vehicles will join conventional vehicles, which are operated by human drivers, on the roads of the United States. Even if driverless vehicles are adopted only gradually and partially, their introduction onto roadways still will have numerous legal ramifications. How soon and how smoothly driverless vehicles merge onto U.S. roads and highways will depend, in part, on how the legal system resolves the many legal issues implicated by these vehicles ...
The automotive industry is undergoing a digital transformation as highly advanced connected hardware and software components are bringing new technology into vehicles. This semiconductor-based revolution started with smartphone integration and has advanced into human-machine interface technologies. However, this digital advancement is not just limited to the connected features inside the vehicle but also expands to intelligent mobility services such as last mile connectivity and fully autonomous future transportation ...
ITS America filed comments with NHTSA in response to its proposed standard for V2V communications. The following is a second excerpt from the letter, covering the role of a Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard in deployment of V2V ...