Crash statistics show that lane departure warning systems have reduced all relevant crashes by 11 percent, and all relevant injury crashes by 21 percent, controlling for driver demographics, according to the ITS Benefits, Costs, and Lessons Learned: 2018 Update Report from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT).
The report is based on the ITS Benefits, Costs, and Lessons Learned databases, known collectively as the Knowledge Resource Databases. The databases were developed by the USDOT ITS Joint Program Office's Evaluation program to support informed decision-making regarding ITS investments by tracking the effectiveness of deployed ITS.
Over the last year, in addition to the above stats regarding lane departure warning systems, the most recent additions to the ITS Knowledge Resource Databases indicate the following evaluation highlights:
■ The new wave of crash-prevention and safety strategies includes the integration of vehicle and infrastructure safety systems and implementation of connected vehicle technologies for safety applications.
■ In a pilot test, bus drivers using in-vehicle collision avoidance warning systems were involved in 72 percent fewer near-miss events than a control group where the warning feature was turned off.
■ In one study, 23 percent of pedestrians reported that a crosswalk transit vehicle turn warning system help them avoid a collision with a bus.
■ Truck platooning works by creating a close, constant coupling between platooning vehicles, providing fuel benefits for both the lead and following trucks. In a USDOT-sponsored field test, the net fuel savings for a three-truck platoon was measured to be between 5.2 and 7.8 percent.