The ITS Blog

February 14, 2019
Pete Goldin

GfK’s syndicated Automobility research in the US shows that 55% of those who plan to buy a new car (“auto intenders”) say their vehicle selection will be influenced by technologies included in the car ...

February 12, 2019
Pete Goldin

Consumers expect that cities in 2030 will be filled with technology that improves overall quality of life, delivers socially-conscious benefits and personalizes experiences, according to a survey by Dassault Systèmes and CITE Research ...

December 19, 2018
Pete Goldin

More than 62 million vehicles — representing 60% of new vehicles sold in the US — will be capable of V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) communication by 2023, according to a new report from Juniper Research ...

December 12, 2018
Pete Goldin

A new IBM study, Daring to be first, How auto pioneers are taking the plunge into blockchain, estimates that 62 percent of automotive executives believe blockchain will be a disruptive force in the auto industry by 2021 ...

October 15, 2018
Deborah Hersman
National Safety Council

While there are several important additions in AV 3.0, NSC is concerned that safety assessments continue to be voluntary, and is disappointed about the lack of focus on public awareness and education ...

October 05, 2018
Pete Goldin

The USDOT is moving ahead towards a driverless future with the release of AV 3.0 — Preparing for the Future of Transportation: Automated Vehicles 3.0. The document — which builds on USDOT's previous document: A Vision for Safety 2.0 — introduces guiding principles and describes US government’s strategy to address existing barriers to safety innovation and progress ...

October 02, 2018
Pete Goldin

Half (52%) of consumers worldwide are now using Internet of Things (IoT) devices, yet 64% of those have already encountered performance issues – according to a global survey of 10,000 consumers conducted by Dynatrace ...

September 18, 2018
Pete Goldin

A new report by GSMA highlights how intelligent connectivity will impact the future of transportation, enabling safer and smoother travel. It outlines how 5G networks and AI systems will communicate the location of vehicles, bicycles and people in real time, reducing the chance of accidents or collisions ...

August 20, 2018
Kara Macek
Governors Highway Safety Association

Autonomous vehicles promise to bring many mobility benefits and reduce traffic crashes enormously. However, there will continue to be crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving AVs, especially for the many years ahead when AVs share the road with vehicles driven by humans ...

August 15, 2018
Greg Brannon

As automakers and tech companies continue to race toward an autonomous future, many consumers are still grappling with the idea of giving up full control of their vehicle. In newer cars, many drivers are already using automated technology in the form of adaptive cruise control, automatic emergency braking and lane keeping systems. While AAA's research has shown that experience with these systems can lead to increased levels of trust, that confidence can be easily shaken when systems fail to work as expected, particularly when crashes result in fatalities ...
