The ITS Blog

October 08, 2020
Pete Goldin

The migration toward fully autonomous vehicles is being enabled by the gradual introduction of multiple, interrelated safety technologies. Feature by feature, these technologies add new capabilities that assist the safe and efficient operation of new vehicles and move the market toward an increasingly autonomous future ...

September 22, 2020
Pete Goldin

The US House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure unveiled a Continuing Resolution (CR) for FY2021, which includes a one-year extension of current surface transportation authorization funding levels ...

August 13, 2020
Pete Goldin

The State of Michigan announced plans to develop a corridor for connected and autonomous vehicles. A key goal of the project will be to design the corridor with a focus on closing long-standing gaps in access to transit and transportation across the region ...

July 02, 2020
Pete Goldin

Only July 1, the US House of Representatives passed the Moving Forward Act. This comprehensive legislation invests more than $1.5 trillion in US roads, transit, and much more, including many projects relating to ITS ...

June 20, 2020
Pete Goldin

Drivers are wary about with ceding control to autonomous vehicle technology, but nearly 2 in 5 respondents (43% in Europe, 37% in US) express comfort with low-speed self-driving cars in ideal conditions, according to a new report by Escalent, a human behavior and analytics firm, entitled Friend, Servant or Evil Twin: Forging a Positive Driver-Car Relationship with Self-Driving Vehicles ...

June 04, 2020
Pete Goldin

The INVEST in America Act authorizes $494 billion over five years to address some of the country's most urgent transportation needs, and highlights ITS technology in several cases ...

May 29, 2020
Tara Andringa
Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE)

When Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE) released our first poll on perceptions of autonomous vehicles and driver assistance systems, most of the coverage focused on the top line results: most of the 1,200 Americans polled are skeptical of AVs and their potential benefits ... What's frustrating is that by focusing on the skepticism, the media overlooked an opportunity to explain where it actually comes from ...

May 06, 2020
Pete Goldin

A survey and analysis of consumer sentiment in six key automotive markets globally reveals that players are likely over-estimating customers’ willingness to pay a big premium for higher-level Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) over today’s technologies, according to a report by AlixPartners ...

April 28, 2020
Pete Goldin

Marking the biggest step toward widespread deployment of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technologies in the US, the auto industry announced a groundbreaking, industry-wide commitment to deploy at least 5 million V2X radios on vehicles and roadway infrastructure within the next five years ...

January 30, 2020
Pete Goldin

Consumer perception regarding the safety of self-driving vehicles remains stalled since last year in most countries, according to Examining Auto's Future: 2020 Deloitte Global Automotive Consumer Study ...
